Elevate your aria preparation to the next level!
When conductors listen to auditions, they are not only thinking about how wonderfully you sing, but also about how easy it would be to work with you in a rehearsal. Efficiency during orchestra rehearsals is always a priority, and a singer who demonstrates that they know when to “lock in” their attention to a conductor and how to clearly communicate their intention in that exact moment will have an advantage.
Aria Companions not only point out where you will want to be particularly alert but include orchestra scores that provide detail about what is happening in the orchestra. (The Companion also deciphers what you see in the orchestra score.) Knowing specifically what to listen for in an orchestra rehearsal means you will not be taken surprise but rather will know ahead of time what the conductor’s priorities may be and how to “read” their gestures.
Aria Companions are also an essential resource for voice teachers.
They function as an aid to your preparation to lead master classes, providing answers to musical and conductorial questions that may come up, by providing a list of moments when the synergy between conductor and vocal artist is particularly important, why that is and how a vocal artist can meet the moment.
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Aria Preparation Companion Shop
Maestro Basney can custom prepare Aria Preparation Companions for all voice types. ​ Process time for currently prepared companions are within 72 hours. Custom requests will be processed in two weeks or less. Each aria preparation companion is written personally by Nyela Basney on a first come, first served basis.